
Manage Columbus and GPX tracks with ease. Free.

Download v1.4.1
Released on: February 05, 2014


Columbus is an OSX application to manage GPS tracks produced by the Columbus family of loggers (V-900, V-990, …) and GPS tracks in the GPX format, such as those produced by the Holux loggers.

I wrote it to overcome some of the limitations of TimeAlbum, the software shipped with the logger. The distinguishing features are reverse geocoding of tracks, search track by location, visualization of tracks on a map, reading GPX files, and import/export to GPX and KML. On the other side, if you are looking for geotagging jpegs or editing the logger configuration files, you will find TimeAlbum more appropriate. See the List of Features for a comparison with TimeAlbum.

Columbus is written in Java and it has been reported to work on Mac OSX 10.5 to 10.91. Version 1.4 is specifically packaged for Mavericks. (If you manage to run it on a different system, let me know, so that I can update the listing.)

Columbus is listed by MacInformer: see and it has been awarded the “100% CLEAN” award from the Softpedia team.

1 The application requires the Java Runtime environment (JRE), which is not installed by default on recent versions of OSX (e.g., Lion and Mavericks). Verification and installation of the required software is managed automatically by OSX the first time you launch Columbus.